The Reno County Child Care Task Force collaborates with state and local partners to offer quarterly training sessions for childcare providers in the area.
Last year, with support from the Kansas Children’s Service League, the Task Force hosted four full-day training events, attended by 160 providers. Collectively, these providers earned 1,368 hours of continuing education credit. Not only were these trainings offered at no cost, but Reno County providers also received a $15/hour incentive for every hour completed, resulting in a total of $20,500 distributed to participants.
Saturday, January 11th
Community Child Care Training in partnership with KCCTO-ITNS
Location: The Father's House Church,
Time: 8am-3pm
More details will be available soon
Saturday, March 29th (Tentative)
Community Child Care Training
Location: The Father's House Church,
Time: 8am-3pm
More details will be available soon
Saturday, May 31st
Community Child Care Training in partnership with Child Care Aware
Location: The Father's House Church,
Time: 8am-3pm
More details will be available soon
Supporting professional growth in our child care community has been a central focus of RCCTF’s efforts. Launched in 2023, this initiative provides $15 per hour in compensation for child care providers attending trainings. Details on the reimbursement process are outlined below.
Home Providers
If you are a home provider, United Way will issue a check directly to you, including any employees, for completed training hours at a rate of $15 per hour. Each provider and employee must report this income on their annual tax return.
Important: Home providers must have a W-9 form on file with United Way. If you do not have one submitted yet, please contact United Way to provide your completed form. Checks will not be issued until the W-9 is received.
Click here to download the W-9 Form
Child Care Centers
If you work at a child care center, the process differs slightly. United Way will issue a single check to your center for the total training hours of all attending employees. The center is responsible for compensating each employee at $15 per hour and for managing any necessary tax withholdings according to Department of Labor requirements. An additional 15% administrative fee will be applied to cover processing costs.
Employees attending training sessions can expect to receive $15 per hour for completed training time. Regardless of whether you work for a center, school, or home-based program, it is your employer's responsibility to compensate you for these hours. If you work for a center, home, or school outside of Reno County but reside in Reno County, a check will be issued directly to you. A W-9 form must be on file for any check to be processed.
Additional Information
Training certificates will be issued directly to attendees at the end of the training or sent via email or mail afterward. It is the attendee's responsibility to submit their training certificate to their center director or home provider.
All attendees are required to sign in at the beginning of each session to ensure accurate attendance records are maintained. Those who register but do not attend will not receive compensation or training certificates. Compensation and certificates will only be granted for hours completed.