Nickerson/South Hutchinson USD 309 has taken a big step in addressing Reno County's childcare needs by opening two new daycare facilities, thanks to funding from the Reno County Childcare Taskforce Accelerator Grant program. These new daycares—one at South Hutchinson Elementary and the other at Nickerson Elementary--provide essential support for families in the area.
"We were lucky enough to have the Child Care Taskforce reach out to us for the Accelerator 2.0, or the second round of funding," said Amy Jones, Assistant Superintendent, USD 309.
This outreach resulted in a significant contribution of over $125,000 to the district, which has made a huge difference in the ability to launch new daycare options. Part of the funds were used to open the daycare at South Hutchinson Elementary, which utilizes two buildings that were previously preschool classrooms, and the other portion was used to open a daycare at Nickerson elementary, which is in an existing classroom in the school building.
Through this grant, the district was able to open 36 daycare slots for Nickerson and South Hutchinson community members. The grant also provided the funds necessary to equip the district's daycare locations with essential items like playground toys, refrigerators, washers and dryers, and furniture.
Previously, the district had no daycare facilities, leaving staff and other community members in a bind.
"I'm not sure we'd have been able to do all this without the Accelerator Grant funds. There’s a huge need for daycare providers in Reno County," Jones added. "By collaborating with the taskforce, USD 309 has been able to address a pressing local issue and provide more options for families in need of childcare.”
In addition to funding opportunities, school districts have benefitted from partnering with the Reno County Childcare Taskforce as a space for collaboration and working together to solve the area's childcare challenges. "The task force is a great way to come together and brainstorm ideas on how we can provide those resources for our families in Reno County.”
With the help of the Accelerator Grant, Nickerson/South Hutchinson USD 309 is making significant strides in expanding daycare availability and improving the lives of families in the community.