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The Reno County Child Care Task Force believes that supporting our child care providers is essential to building a strong, thriving community. Through the Community Child Care Training Initiative, we aim to remove barriers to professional development by offering free, high-quality, in-person trainings that help providers meet state requirements for in-service training hours. By partnering with state and local trainers, we ensure these sessions are accessible and impactful. Additionally, we recognize the value of providers' time and dedication by compensating Reno County child care providers $15 per hour for every training hour completed. This initiative reflects our commitment to strengthening the child care system, empowering providers, and ensuring the best outcomes for the children in our community.


In 2024, the Task Force hosted four full-day training events attended by 160 providers, resulting in a collective 1,368 hours of continuing education credit. As part of this effort, Reno County providers received $15 per hour for their participation, amounting to a total of  $20,500 distributed to participants throughout the year.


DATE:  POSTPONED - NEW DATE: Saturday, January 25th

TIME:  8 AM  to 3 PM

LOCATION: The Father's House Church - 1505 E 20th Ave, Hutchinson, KS 67502

COST:  Free | Lunch included

HOW TO REGISTER: New registration details coming soon!

*All Reno County providers will receive $15/hour for training completed


Join us as Kansas Child Care Training Opportunities (KCCTO) hosts an all-day training event that will include the following sessions and earn providers 6 KDHE hours upon completion. All courses are appropriate for individuals working with infants and toddlers in center-based and family child care settings.



8 AM - 10 AM: Introduction to the Kansas Early Learning Standards (KELS)

Delve into the foundational principles and practical applications of the Kansas Early Learning Standards (KELS) 4th Edition by the Kansas Department of Education. Explore the purpose of the KELS, providing educators with a comprehensive understanding of its significance in early childhood development. Participants will explore the essential components of KELS and gain insights into its role in fostering holistic growth in young learners.


Trained by Stephanie Wiggins, Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist


10:15 AM - 12:15 PM: Toddler Circle Time

Leading a large group time with young children can be a challenge! Toddlers are naturally wiggly, and they can have a hard time staying focused during circle time if it doesn’t meet their needs. This training provides information on best practice techniques for circle time, ways to keep children meaningfully engaged, and provides an opportunity to draft a circle time plan that supports quality learning.  If you’ve ever struggled with circle time, this training is for you!


Trained by Rebecca Vitelli, Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist


Lunch Break: Lunch provided by the Reno county Child Care Task Force


1 PM - 3 PM: Once Upon a Time...Engaging Storytelling for Infants and Toddlers

Want to create a playful story time experience that children will want to join AND stay engaged in? This course will discuss how to use props and other visual supports in meaningful ways to create storytelling experiences that captivate children’s attention. This course is appropriate for people who work with infants and toddlers in center-based and family child care settings.


Trained by Rebecca Vitelli, Infant-Toddler Professional Development Specialist












Saturday, March 29th (Tentative)

Trainings provided by Beth Reeder & Katie Perez

Location: The Father's House Church

Time: 8am-3pm

More details will be available soon​


Saturday, May 31st

Trainings provided by Child Care Aware of Kansas

Location: The Father's House Church

Time: 8am-3pm

More details will be available soon


Supporting professional growth in our child care community has been a central focus of RCCTF’s efforts. Launched in 2023, this initiative provides $15 per hour in compensation for child care providers attending trainings. Details on the reimbursement process are outlined below.


Home Providers

If you are a home provider, United Way will issue a check directly to you, including any employees, for completed training hours at a rate of $15 per hour. Each provider and employee must report this income on their annual tax return.


Important: Home providers must have a W-9 form on file with United Way. If you do not have one submitted yet, please contact United Way to provide your completed form. Checks will not be issued until the W-9 is received. 


Click here to download the W-9 Form


Child Care Centers

If you work at a child care center, the process differs slightly. United Way will issue a single check to your center for the total training hours of all attending employees. The center is responsible for compensating each employee at $15 per hour and for managing any necessary tax withholdings according to Department of Labor requirements. An additional 15% administrative fee will be applied to cover processing costs.



Employees attending training sessions can expect to receive $15 per hour for completed training time. Regardless of whether you work for a center, school, or home-based program, it is your employer's responsibility to compensate you for these hours. If you work for a center, home, or school outside of Reno County but reside in Reno County, a check will be issued directly to you. A W-9 form must be on file for any check to be processed.


Additional Information

  • Training certificates will be issued directly to attendees at the end of the training or sent via email or mail afterward. It is the attendee's responsibility to submit their training certificate to their center director or home provider.

  • All attendees are required to sign in at the beginning of each session to ensure accurate attendance records are maintained. Those who register but do not attend will not receive compensation or training certificates. Compensation and certificates will only be granted for hours completed.


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